Lung and Heart Health Programs
The Lung and Heart Health program is for people with asthma, COPD and heart failure. Certified Respiratory Educators (may be a Respiratory Therapist, Nurse, Pharmacist) are members of the Erie Shores Family Health Team (ESFHT). A Certified Respiratory Educator has specialized skills, knowledge and ability related to COPD/Asthma/Heart Failure assessment and self-management. Patients benefit from a “one stop shopping” solution including diagnostic testing, personalized evidence-based best care delivered by the team they trust, right at ESFHT. Treatment considers the ‘whole patient’ including addressing other health conditions such as congestive heart failure and associated mental illnesses (ex. depression and anxiety).
Patients participating in the Lung and Heart Health Programs receive case management, education, and skills training including spirometry for diagnosis, and self-management. Patient education includes understanding a diagnosis of COPD/Asthma/Heart Failure, basic physiology, strategies for energy conservation, definition of a flare-up/exacerbation, benefits of regular exercise, correct use of medications, travel planning, and end of life planning.
The COPD/Lung/Heart Failure Program team also makes referrals to other health professionals/programs including social workers, dietitians, and the smoking cessation program.
Patients must be referred by their primary care provider.
What to expect from the Lung and Heart Health Programs:
Patients receive individual assessment and treatment. Appointments can be accommodated in either Kingsville or Leamington offices. Office and phone appointments are available. Office appointments can often be coordinated with primary provider appointments in order to save time and travel.
Patient Responsibilities
- Attend scheduled appointments on time.
- Call to cancel if unable to attend appointment.
- Be an active participant in the treatment plan.
- Patients who smoke are encouraged to access the on-site smoking cessation program with free nicotine replacement therapy.